Division 22 Standards Community Report

North Lake School District #14

Report on Compliance with Public School Standards 2023-24 School Year

By November 1 of each year, school district superintendents are required by OAR 581-022-2305: District Assurances of Compliance with Public School Standards to report to their community on the district's status with respect to all of the Standards for Public Elementary and Secondary Schools. The Standards are adopted by the State Board of Education and set out in Oregon Administrative Rules Chapter 581, Division 22.

The table below contains a summary of North Lake School District's compliance with each of the requirements of Oregon's administrative rules found in DIVISION 22 - STANDARDS FOR PUBLIC ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS during the 2023-24 school year. For each rule reported as out of compliance, North Lake School District has provided an explanation of why the school district was out of compliance and the school district's proposed corrective action plan to come into compliance. The corrective action must be approved by ODE and completed by the district by the beginning of the 2025-26 school year.

What are the requirements of the standards? For a general overview of what each rule/standard requires, consult this high-level Rules at a Glance summary. For specific, comprehensive requirements, use the links below for each individual rule.







